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Belonging - The New Buzz Word For Inclusive Leadership or the Missing Piece of the Puzzle?

Image for We know diversity and inclusion contribute to a positive work environment, but the sense of belonging is often framed as going beyond D&I. Some companies suggest that a feeling of belonging at work allows employees to be their true selves, which in turn has a major impact on performance and retention. Given the growing need for employees to work smart and agile, it’s important to understand aspects of the work experience that really motivate people.

We know diversity and inclusion contribute to a positive work environment, but the sense of belonging is often framed as going beyond D&I. Some companies suggest that a feeling of belonging at work allows employees to be their true selves, which in turn has a major impact on performance and retention. Given the growing need for employees to work smart and agile, it’s important to understand aspects of the work experience that really motivate people.

Could belonging be the crucial piece of the puzzle leading to psychological safety?

Belonging is still a relatively new and developing concept. In the conversations we have had to date, there are many different views of what belonging means in a work context and few opinions on the practical actions of how to make belonging a reality.

We too have questions. For example, is this concept different from inclusive leadership and more traditional aspects of employee motivation? We therefore have decided to conduct an original piece of research that we hope will reveal some insight on what employees say they need to feel like they belong and to investigate what difference this makes to the workplace environment.

What do you think?

We are looking for individuals and companies to get involved in the different phases of the research, the first being greater insights into views on belonging. To help shape this first stage, we have created a short survey and would value your input as well as share this with your contacts and colleagues to hear their views.

You can access the survey here

If you are interested in getting involved in further phases of this research, please contact us at Please also get in touch if you would like to be kept informed about the various phases of the research as they develop or would like the survey sending to you in an alternative format.

We look forward to hearing your views and shaping this research, and the findings, together.

Tuesday, 18 June, 2019
